Town council member Lynn Johns announced his resignation from the town board during a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 6. Johns read from his resignation letter at the end of the meeting, explaining that he is leaving his position due to moving outside of town limits. His resignation will be...
The Winamac Town Council recently heard a proposal for the rehabilitation and revitalization of downtown Winamac from resident Claude LeMere. LeMere said that he has a background in rehabilitating downtowns and has a passion for restoring and preserving their history. LeMere had several items that...
The Pulaski County Commissioners recently passed motions to forgive the last payment of a Winamac Coil Spring loan and release a 2017 loan for Tippy’s during a regular meeting on March 18. First, Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer said that this year...
Who ever said time travel isn't real? Attendants to the Pulaski County Historical Society's annual program were transported back nearly two and half million years ago on Thursday to explore what life was like in a time when mastodons and other prehistoric animals freely roamed the Earth. Dr....
Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales made a stop in Pulaski County on Monday, March 18 to present Pulaski County Clerk and Election Board Secretary JoLynn Behny with a $22,300 grant check. The money will help cover the purchase of 10 VVPATs for the 10 donated voting machines from Jasper County...
The Pulaski County Council decided to not reschedule a public hearing for the IGDB Biogas/Loehmerland request during a regular meeting on Monday, March 11. At their February meeting, Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer explained to the council that the...
The Eastern Pulaski Community School Corporation athletic expansion project is starting to finish up and will be ready for use soon. Jeremy Wentz provided an update on the project during a regular school board meeting on Monday, March 11. Wentz said that the field is looking great, especially after...
Pulaski County EMA Director Richel Fox met with the Pulaski County Election Board on Monday, March 18 to discuss contingency plans for this year's election. Fox told the board that she does not have a plan specifically for Pulaski County yet, but she does have a draft document from Starke County...
It was a night full of wins, fun and food at the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce annual meeting on March 14. The Chamber announced Jim Dobson Ford as the 2023 Business of the Year, Rife Farm Supplies as People's Choice and the Light Up Our Legacy Memorial Swinging Bridge Project as the 2023 Non-...
On March 12, the Winamac Police Department, in a joint investigation with the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office, applied for and was granted a search warrant for a residence located at 111 N. Monticello St. in Winamac in reference to controlled substances. At approximately 9:34 a.m. the search...