Winamac employees to receive raises

Town of Winamac employees will be receiving a raise in 2019 but not without some discussion by the council members.
Town council members gathered to open a construction bid on Tuesday, Oct. 30, but they also discussed some business that needed to be addressed before the end of the year. Clerk-treasurer Melanie Berger asked the council to make a decision regarding the salary ordinance that dictates how much town employees are paid.
Councilwoman Judy Heater questioned when the last raise was given.
Berger said the last raise was $1 a year for three years.
Councilman Dan Vanaman said he wants to maintain the employees that the town has so a raise wouldn’t be out of the question. He suggested everyone receiving 50 cents this year, 25 cents next year and then nothing for the next couple of years. He also suggested the town could pay more of the employee insurance.
A motion was approved that town employees, including police officers, will receive a raise of 50 cents. Councilman Alvin Parish abstained from the vote due to being related to three town employees.
A draft salary ordinance will be ready for the Nov. 12 meeting.