West Central learns about religious program for students

West Central School Board members were the students at a regular meeting and work sessions on Feb. 4.
Board members learned about what work could be done on the school buildings to maintain them and about a new religious program that could be offered to students.
Before the regular meeting, board members toured the buildings with maintenance director David Allen who discussed work that has been done in the past year and potential projects. They also discussed technology updates and the corporation’s energy usage along with the heating and air conditioning infrastructure.
The board then heard from Brian Putt regarding Lifewise Academy, during the regular school board meeting. Lifewise Academy is a nondemoninational Christian organization for grades 1-6. The release time program offers students religious instruction. The academy is popular in Ohio where eight schools are being served.
The committee of community leaders has not decided on where the program will be held, as it has to be held off school grounds. Transportation is also being discussed. The program is also voluntary and parents must approve for their child to be a participant.
If the program were to move forward, it could begin in August.
The school board could decide if they would allow for students to leave for the program at the next school board meeting in March.