Rep. Gutwein pushes for four-way stop at intersection near West Central schools
Recent accidents and a concern of when the next one will happen has caused actions to be taken by the West Central School Corporation and State Rep. Doug Gutwein.
During the past year about a handful of accidents have occurred at the intersection of U.S. 421, SR 14 and CR 200 S.. Some of the accidents were more severe than others but with each one it has caused an increase in concern.
Gutwein’s concern is that not only is the intersection busy because of the school traffic, but also because of the amount of gravel trucks from the quarry, the garbage trucks from the Chicago area and the other semis from the local businesses. He estimated there are more than 400 trucks carrying gravel through that area.
As he sees it, the intersection needs a four-way stop in all directions. He used the example of traveling through the SR 47 and U.S. 421 intersection where there is a four-way stop in all directions. There are signs, lights and rumble strips there.
Since Gutwein spoke with the state highway department, lines have been painted north of CR 200 S. to highlight the turn lane. He said the lines are not enough.
“We need to draw attention to the busyness of that intersection and the dangers it causes for the children, the buses and our citizens,” he said.
It appears the state highway department is reviewing previous traffic studies, according to Gutwein.