The Monterey Town Board now consists of Josh Stacy, Doug Denton and Aaron Gilley since the resignation of Jim Fleury earlier this month.

Monterey prepares for Monterey Days festival

It's that time again – the town of Monterey is starting to prepare for the annual Monterey Days festival, to be held over Labor Day weekend. During a regular town board meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 8, festival organizer Pat Daily was present to ask permission to close the streets downtown for the duration of the event. He reassured the board that he has all of the proper insurance. Daily said that the only new item featured in this year's festival is wrestling. He said that he will email all of the information about the festival to clerk-treasurer Linda McCune. The board ultimately passed his request to close the streets downtown for the festival. Additionally, president Doug Denton said that after many requests, he is formally suggesting that they consider having some police presence during Monterey Days for extra security in light of some incidents that happened last year during the festival and more recently.

See the full story in the Pulaski County Journal, available in print and e-edition.

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