Revitalizing downtown Winamac and its historic buildings was one of the many items discussed at a recent town council meeting. Pictured is Market Street in Winamac circa 1930s. The postcard was published by Carpers Drug Store, Winamac. It was printed by Eagle Post Card View Company Inc., New York. The postcard, owned by Rick Norton, is not dated but the vehicles indicate it could be 1930s-1940s.

Downtown revitalization proposed to Winamac Town Council

The Winamac Town Council recently heard a proposal for the rehabilitation and revitalization of downtown Winamac from resident Claude LeMere. LeMere said that he has a background in rehabilitating downtowns and has a passion for restoring and preserving their history. LeMere had several items that he wants the town council to take some time to consider, including experiencing the town's history, possibly making a survey for businesses to fill out, making and passing a downtown building maintenance ordinance and creating a downtown matching grant program, to just name a few.

See the full story in the Pulaski County Journal, available in print and e-edition.

Pulaski County Journal

114 W. Main Street
Winamac, IN 46996

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