West Central School Corporation
A memorandum of understanding agreement between the West Central School Corporation and the Boys and Girls Club of St. Joseph County was approved during a regular meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5. Representatives advised that the Boys and Girls Club of St. Joseph County is currently in 29 different...
The West Central School Corporation recently received notification that they were awarded a $32,000 school safety grant from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. The money will help the corporation continue to work towards making school a safer place. Superintendent Dr. Cathy Rowe said...
The West Central school board had a conversation about a submitted bid for the district old office located in downtown Francesville during a regular board meeting on July 6. After receiving a $35,000 bid on the property, the school board had agreed that they would like to make a counter offer of...
As noted at last month's meeting, West Central has received interactive televisions thanks to a WHIN (Wabash Heartland Innovation Network) grant. The grant is for approximately $54,285. Superintendent Rowe said that they were able to purchase 14 interactive televisions for classrooms. She explained...
Speaking from their experience, both Audrey Kroft, Distinguished Young Woman of West Central and Grace Wenzler, Distinguished Young Woman of Winamac, agree that the Distinguished Young Women (DYW) Scholarship program is an amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity that all girls should consider...
More design work for West Central's band and choir room renovations is set to occur more extensively in the new year. Superintendent Cathy Rowe explained during a regular school board meeting on Nov. 3 that Tecton and the Moake Park Group were on site over fall break to take some final measurements...
West Central Superintendent Dan Zylstra asked and the community answered - as a whole, it is preferred to have e-learning as long as it does not extend the school year into the summer. It was discussed and decided to send out a survey at last month's meeting when the board was informed that the...
Thanks to a grant, West Central students who have been struggling with Internet access at home may now have the ability to receive a Wi-Fi hotspot from the corporation if they meet certain requirements. Superintendent Dan Zylstra explained that the hotspots for the corporation were funded through...
The July 8 meeting began with board president Jeff Lowry and superintendent Dan Zylstra announcing the public hearing on the master contract, a mandatory move in accordance with Indiana state law. There was public comment during the hearing, with Dave Reif speaking to the board on behalf of the...
The wrestling season is winding down quickly and Saturday, four wrestling semi-states took place across Indiana as the last obstacle standing in the way of individuals looking for a spot in the state finals at Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis.
Four West Central grapplers advanced to East...