Town of Winamac approves police compensation proposal

Last month, the Winamac Town Council tabled the request for compensation for special police certifications so they could further review the information. During his department report at the Aug. 14 regular meeting, police chief Tyler Campbell asked the council if they could revisit the matter. In July, Campbell explained that he believes that officers should be compensated for the certifications that they have gained over the years, or have the potential to gain, as it takes a significant amount of time out of their day to receive or retain them. Some of those certifications included school resource officer, emergency medical responder, drone pilot and special instructors. Without much further discussion, the town board took the matter to a vote during their regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 14 and it passed unanimously.

See the full story in the Pulaski County Journal, available in print and e-edition.

Pulaski County Journal

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